Luna Nueva is a company dedicated to research, development and optimization of industrial processes, capable of creating new technological products that can be applied within different spheres of productive areas such as mining, petrochemistry and energy resources amongst others. Luna Nueva was founded in year 2000 by Luis Paredes Rojas, an Electronic Engineer and PhD in Physics and Mathematical Sciences (winner of Premio Nacional de Innovación Avonni, Mención Medio Ambiente), who has been working for more than 30 years on innovative projects which revolve around different areas of science and technology. 

The company has a multidisciplinary team formed by professionals of the highest level who possess a vast experience in the mining business, petrochemical industry and engineering area. Most of them have postgraduate education, with Masters and PhD degrees, having an outstanding performance in research and development projects.

Our Team

Mario R. Pérez PhD in Astrophysics. Astrophysics Division, NASA Headquarters.
Rodrigo Leiva Espinoza PhD in Astrophysics. Electronics Engineer.
Manuel Devia Pérez Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engineering. Pyrometallurgy expert and international consultant for pyrometallurgical processes.
Bruno Vargas MBA/Mechanical Engineer. Director to Company´s Innovation and New Businesses Area.
Eduardo Mondaca Carvajal Electronics Civil Engineer. Physicist. Expert in instrumentation and control of industrial processes. Diploma in Mechatronics, Machine Learning, and Big Data.
Cristian Antonucci Cos PhD in Chemical Engineering. Industrial Processes Modelling expert. 
Mario Cancino Araya Physicist. Master in Industrial Engineering. Expert in Industrial Operations Risk Modelling.
Mario Durán Toro PhD in Applied Mathematics. Mathematics Engineer.
Ramiro Díaz Rojas PhD in Science with mention in Geophysics and Geology.
Luis Lagno Bravo PhD in Geology. Expert in the Evaluation of Metal Mining Resources and Reserves.
Sergio Jara Rosas Metallurgy Engineer. Extractive metallurgy expert, focusing on gold, silver, and copper.
Carlos Rosales Coeffe Computer Engineer. Neural Networks and Information Technology expert.
Christina Arancibia Evans Biochemical Engineer. Master in Environmental Engineering. Expert in the development of innovation projects.
Richard Cristensen Muñoz Computer Engineer. Numerical and Statistical Modelling Expert.
Fernando Weisser Wirtz Industrial Engineer. Expert in certification of new technologies.
Alex Börger Ferrari Master in Industrial Engineering. Electronics Engineer.
Aurelio Canales Alcayaga Master in Computer Science. Computer Engineer.
Milena Alcayaga Electronics Engineer. Industrial Protection and Patenting Expert.
Iván Pedreros Master in Business Administration. Mechanical Engineer. Expert in the selling of new technologies.
Luis González Maureira Master in Industrial Engineering. Metallurgical Engineer.
María Teresa Paredes Medical Technologist. Diploma in Applications of Molecular Diagnostics and Microbiology.
Rodrigo Zúñiga Moreta Medical Technologist. Master in Medical Sciences with mention in Cellular and Molecular Biology.
Moira Evans Treurnicht Surveying Engineer.